Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Spread Your Wings and Fly, Darling!

Sometimes kids just have more fun, it really is that simple. I discovered this was the case several weeks ago when my family and I were all sitting in our living room one night.  There was nothing particularly special about this night, we were just sitting there watching TV and talking.  I am not totally sure how we started doing this strange activity but I think it went something like this...

My sister, Claire, was lying on the ground in front of our TV with her legs in the air.  I walked past her and leaned over her feet to talk to her.  With my hands on the backs of her feet, I was putting some of my weight on her legs.

This sparked a memory from my childhood, something that every kid did at least once when they were small, airplane (although the internet does not know what I am talking about).  You know, when your mom or dad would lie on the ground and heft you up into the air.  Your tummy would be resting on their feet and your hands would be in their hands.  The parent would then proceed to move you side-to-side in the air like an airplane while you squealed with glee.

Look at that form. Photo Courtesy of: Moi
I shared my thoughts with my family, "This is kinda like that airplane thing we would do when we were little.  You know, when you're held up in the air by the other person's feet."

Someone then decided that we should all do this right then.  So that is how I spent much of my night one weekend, doing airplane with my mom and sister while Will took pictures of us, so we could all improve our form the next time.  I am not even joking with you guys right now.  We were serious about our airplaning.

Several things determined the quality of the airplane: straight legs, height of legs, arm position (holding hands or out like wings), and the pose (grabbing leg or just out in the classic position).  If the legs were sagging and not inline with the torso, it was a bad run.  My mom is seriously into yoga so she started advancing from the classic airplane.  She would get balanced on my sister's legs then let go of her hands, bend one leg, and reach back to grab that leg.  We are basically yogini goddesses now.
Not too shabby if I do say so myself.  Photo Courtesy of: Clarita
At one point I started Snapchatting my aunt, my mom's sister, pictures of our various airplanes.  She took it a step further and started a competition between our two families.  She has two daughters who are nine and six, so their airplanes were nowhere near as good as ours were.  Regardless of the quality of the poses it was a fun and humorous way to spend our time.  We would send a picture then a couple minutes later my aunt in Virginia would send back a picture of her version of the same pose.  Because our lead was becoming quite obvious and her children were not strong enough to hold her up, she got my uncle involved in the game.  It was epic.

So, if you ever wonder how I spend my free time and what my family does on a typical night, there you have it.  Although that was the first and last time we have participated in that activity, it could happen again.  And if you don't believe I actually did that, please refer back to the pictures throughout this post for proof of activity.

In fact, when I told my friends about this after it happened, they thought I was telling them a story from when I was six. that's what I do now as a fifteen-year-old.

Alrighty then.



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