Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Go Hard or Go Home

A couple weeks ago, we celebrated the wonderful holiday of Easter.  My family is not religious, so this is not a day where we think about Jesus and all the wonderful other religious things other families do.  We didn't even go to church.

We did, however, have an Easter egg hunt!  Ever since my sister and I were little I remember waking up early in the morning to find a note that the Easter Bunny wrote us sitting at the top of the stairs.  On this note, he wished us a "Happy Easter" and said how many eggs were hidden (always an even number so my sister and I got the same amount).

My mom told me this year that we were not going to have an Easter egg hunt because my sister and I are too old now.  My sister had egg hunts when she was my age, so I should get one, too!  Although, in the future I will not be having egg hunts while Claire is off at college (that's just sad), I was somewhat crushed inside, but I didn't care that much.

On Easter morning, we all got ready to go to brunch at our friend's house.  During the primping, my sister walks down the stairs and tells me we weren't going to have an egg hunt. That's old news girl, old news.  She ended up talking my mom into setting up our last egg hunt ever when we got home from brunch.

Guess what we did at this brunch?  We had an egg hunt!  However, it was more for the little grandchildren and not so much for the teenagers although we were encouraged to participate.  There is just something about taking candy from a baby that is so difficult, so me and my friend would walk every ten feet and pick up an egg (they were all scattered in a field), so I didn't get that many.  On our way back inside, there were eggs still sitting in plain sight that the toddlers had walked right past.  That is just SO sad.
Me mid egg hunt on Easter.  I was determined to get that blue egg.  Photo Courtesy of: Mi Madre
Back at home, we were ready for our egg hunt.  As my mom and Will were setting up the eggs, my sister and I were anxiously waiting to begin.  I came downstairs and was gifted a plastic bag from the grocery store to put my eggs in.  Heck no!  This would not do, so I grabbed a basket from our pile of baskets on this cabinet because that is much more festive.

We were ready!  Claire of course got a head start because I didn't have shoes on and the eggs were hidden outside this year.  After scrambling to put on my mom's flats, I finally managed to get outside.  It was war, baby!  We were dashing around trying to see who could get the most.  I always win the egg hunts and Claire always throws a fit because I have more eggs than her, and that was not going to change this year.  As we were running around trying to get the eggs, my mom is telling me to pose for a picture to send to my aunt.  This is a competition!  There is no time for a photo shoot!  This wasted time allowed for Claire catch up to me and get more eggs!

We were pushing and racing everywhere!  At the end of the outside egg hunt, Claire had more than me and my mom called me a loser.  Thanks, Mom.  Love you, too.

After the inside eggs were found, I had more than my sister per usual!  Even though she shoved me into tables and played viciously, you just can't beat the best.

Check out the links to videos below to see just how intense our egg hunt truly was.

Oh my.



Egg Hunt Insanity (Video One)
Camille's a Loser (Video Two)  (Excuse my mother's filming capabilities in this one and her calling me a loser.)

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