About Me

ec-cen-tric     /ikˈsentrik/     adjective
(of a person or their behavior) unconventional and slightly strange. 

I'm Camille and as you might have guessed from the above definition, I consider myself to be eccentric.  In fact, I think that the definition perfectly encompasses certain aspects of my personality.  Now let me tell you some stuff about me so that my blog will make a little bit more sense.

Part of my blog will be about running (which seems to take over my life sometimes), but I didn't start to run until just this past summer.  To tell the truth, my participation in organized sports has been quite limited up until this point.  While I gave soccer a shot when I was a younger, it just wasn't my thing.  I mean, who wants to go around kicking people and balls?  Not me.  Then I took up dance.  I tried hip hop, jazz, and tap (which is basically partying with your feet!).  I stayed with tap dance for about five years but not many children want to participate in this style of dance so the classes were small and I just outgrew my studio, so I quit.  It's been almost a year since I quit tap and I still miss it.  While I didn't dance seven days a week, I was still apart of the family and it was hard to leave that behind.  So, with my sister's guidance, I joined the cross country team at our high school for my freshman year.  I now have an unbelievable bond with girls on the team.  I finally feel like I belong somewhere.  
Me and Haley (Photo Courtesy of: Julia C.)

Me and Liza in our matching Pataguccis (Photo Courtesy of: Claire B.)

Since I have become more comfortable and confident in myself these past few months I have stopped having the need to act a certain way or conform to the mold that is pressured for teenage girls to fit into.  Because let's face it, I am not most teenage girls and that is okay.  With that being said, I have started acting how I do around my friends just about all the time.  And it is SO much more fun!

Here are some more snippets of information about me:

Sewing (particularly quilting)

Chilling with my peeps


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