Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Go Hard or Go Home

A couple weeks ago, we celebrated the wonderful holiday of Easter.  My family is not religious, so this is not a day where we think about Jesus and all the wonderful other religious things other families do.  We didn't even go to church.

We did, however, have an Easter egg hunt!  Ever since my sister and I were little I remember waking up early in the morning to find a note that the Easter Bunny wrote us sitting at the top of the stairs.  On this note, he wished us a "Happy Easter" and said how many eggs were hidden (always an even number so my sister and I got the same amount).

My mom told me this year that we were not going to have an Easter egg hunt because my sister and I are too old now.  My sister had egg hunts when she was my age, so I should get one, too!  Although, in the future I will not be having egg hunts while Claire is off at college (that's just sad), I was somewhat crushed inside, but I didn't care that much.

On Easter morning, we all got ready to go to brunch at our friend's house.  During the primping, my sister walks down the stairs and tells me we weren't going to have an egg hunt. That's old news girl, old news.  She ended up talking my mom into setting up our last egg hunt ever when we got home from brunch.

Guess what we did at this brunch?  We had an egg hunt!  However, it was more for the little grandchildren and not so much for the teenagers although we were encouraged to participate.  There is just something about taking candy from a baby that is so difficult, so me and my friend would walk every ten feet and pick up an egg (they were all scattered in a field), so I didn't get that many.  On our way back inside, there were eggs still sitting in plain sight that the toddlers had walked right past.  That is just SO sad.
Me mid egg hunt on Easter.  I was determined to get that blue egg.  Photo Courtesy of: Mi Madre

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Spread Your Wings and Fly, Darling!

Sometimes kids just have more fun, it really is that simple. I discovered this was the case several weeks ago when my family and I were all sitting in our living room one night.  There was nothing particularly special about this night, we were just sitting there watching TV and talking.  I am not totally sure how we started doing this strange activity but I think it went something like this...

My sister, Claire, was lying on the ground in front of our TV with her legs in the air.  I walked past her and leaned over her feet to talk to her.  With my hands on the backs of her feet, I was putting some of my weight on her legs.

This sparked a memory from my childhood, something that every kid did at least once when they were small, airplane (although the internet does not know what I am talking about).  You know, when your mom or dad would lie on the ground and heft you up into the air.  Your tummy would be resting on their feet and your hands would be in their hands.  The parent would then proceed to move you side-to-side in the air like an airplane while you squealed with glee.

Look at that form. Photo Courtesy of: Moi