Sunday, February 7, 2016

Is That You, Queen Elsa?

I love not having school.  I have more free-time and don't have to worry about doing homework on Sunday, so having a three-day weekend is pure heaven.  Because we didn't have school on Martin Luther King Junior Day, three of my friends and my family and I went to the Ice Castle in Midway.  It was so fabulous and I am gonna tell you all about it.

Abbi, Emma, Elise, my mom, Claire, Will, and I all crammed into the car to get to the Ice Castle.  I had both my Guc and puffy coat on because I was not gonna be cold.  I tried to convince my friends to take some gloves or a hat but I was met with resistance, so it was just me who liked like a giant Oompa Loompa.
Chillin' with my peeps -get my pun?  (Look how warm I look)  Photo Courtesy of: Claire
After we arrived at the Ice Castle we walked a very long way from our car to the entrance where a parking supervisor asked us how our time was.  He was met with several very confused looks from many teenage girls.  He then preceded to tell us that there was an entrance right where we had come from, yeah we weren't paying attention.  As we were about to go in, Elise turns to me and asks if I have seen her gloves.  Oh, Lisey.  We couldn't find them on the ground anywhere and my mom told us that someone had yelled out saying they found a pair gloves.  Obviously we still hadn't been paying attention, but what do you expect from a gaggle of girls? 

After we got the gloves and finally entered the castle, the fun began.  It was beautiful!  I cannot even make a snowman so the fact that someone was able to construct a castle with many different winding passageways and decorative icicles was beyond me.  It even lit up to the beat of the music (which sometimes made my head pound, sensory overload for sure)!

Crawling through a tunnel.  Photo Courtesy of: Claire
We went through every "room" of the Ice Castle at least once, but ended up wandering through a couple several times.  We all crouched down and crawled through little passageways.  While we were making our way through one of these tunnels, Elise slipped and fell on her hip (check out the video below).  I thought it was hilarious, but I bet it hurt...  When we were coming out of one of the passages, Emma disappeared.  We had no clue where she went and ended up crawling through the little tunnels again and found her standing in the middle of a room smiling.

Tender.  Photo Courtesy of: A Stranger
There was much shrieking and loud noises coming from all of us.  Some little kids might have learned some new, colorful words while they were there because it was very slippery and none of us had any intentions of falling.  Elise insisted every time we walked through an arch or a path that she was gonna be the one to slip because she was always the one, and she was right as I have already told you. 

Being with some of my closet friends and marveling at the beauty that we were experiencing was the best break from school and all the stress that I could have asked for.  I loved getting to spend time with them, albeit we were in close-quarters with strangers for much of the time.  In one particular passage, it felt a bit like we were walking through the Narrows at Zion, except you know, it was made out of ice.

While I didn't meet Elsa and we only spent less than a couple hours at the Ice Castle, I experienced something wonderful.  My friends and I shared countless laughs, whether it was because of something one of us said or because we were sliding down an ice slide with little kids.  Smiling and spending quality time with people you care about is the best way to relieve stress and escape all the pressures of being a teenager.  So I ended my night in the most wonderful way, sipping hot chocolate in a warm car with the people I love most.

Thanks for making such great memories with me, you guys! xoxo



(Make sure to check out the videos and other photos below for some added fun!)

With my homies. Photo Courtesy of: A Stranger
Aren't we looking good?  Photo Courtesy of: Claire

Elise falling while in the tunnel....

Me sliding down the slide....

While debating if I should slide down on my stomach and if that would be setting a bad example for all the children whose mothers were all watching me, this guy shouted out, "Just do it!"  Alright then, I will!

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