Thursday, November 12, 2015

XC Takes Halloween

At the top of Main Street after our running escapade.  Photo Courtesy of: Maddy Lee
I very much dislike Halloween.  I will not say that I hate it because I do enjoy some aspects of the holiday.  Like candy and candles...that stuff is good.  However, I actually do abhor dressing up.  I just don't understand the point of it.  Why would I want to spend money on a costume, and make myself look appealing when I am just going to cover it all up with a big winter jacket because it is freaking cold in October?  Hhhmmmm good point, Camille.  It does seem like a waste of time now.  Thank you, I realize I make a wonderful case regarding this holiday.

In fact, ever since I was a mere sliv of a girl I dreaded the last day of October.  I would cry the night before our school Halloween parties because I didn't have a costume and didn't know what I wanted to be.

Recently, I unearthed a possible cause of my dislike.  This is one of my earliest memories (how sad), as well.  I was in kindergarten and dressed up as a Spanish dancer.  I looked rad and pretty darn sassy.  In class, this girl came up to me and asked me if I was a ladybug.  A ladybug!!!!  What the heck?  How do you get a fierce Spanish dancer and a ladybug confused?  Although, my costume was red with black polka dots, but that was beside the point.  I have not enjoyed a Halloween since that year.  *sniffles and wipes eyes*
Not a lady bug.  Photo Courtesy of: My Mom
I also don't like it because snobby children always look at you with a disapproving glint in their eye and ask what you are.  What do ya think?  Honestly, this has happened to me probably every year even though I don't wear tricky costumes.  It even happened to me this year when I dressed up as a witch for my friend's party.  Maybe she just didn't notice that I was literally wearing all black and a pointy witch's hat.  Whatever.  Excuse my rant I just couldn't help it.

This year, much to my disappointment, we had practice on Halloween.  My coach had us all meet at City Park on Saturday.  Not only did we have to dress up in something that we could run in, but we then had to go trick-or-treating.  I ended up wearing my sixth grade tap costume, which I decided to wear precisely five minutes before we left.

Yeah we do! Photo Courtesy of: Liza Greene
We all met and ran up the path together which was fun because, well, cross country is a party.  After getting some weird looks from kiddos we preceded to ask people for candy.  To add to the uncomfortableness of a tall teenager asking adults for candy, I forgot a bag and put my hands out like I was begging.  On top of that, dance costumes aren't necessarily modest, so while it was great to run it, maybe not the best thing to walk up and down the streets in on a holiday where people are already annoyed with teenagers.  And that I hate, but that's beside the point.

It was a pretty fun way to spend a couple hours of my life.  We all looked ridiculous in our costumes, most of which consisted of spanks, and joked around the whole time.

After getting home, I sat by myself while all my friends were hanging out together and watched HGTV with my mother.  Even she got bored of me and decided to go upstairs and watch a movie by herself so I was all by my lonesome (not even trick-or-treaters came to our house).  Naturally, I watched McFarland, USA.  It is a moving, utterly fabulous movie about an underdog cross country team.  I feel you guys, I feel you.

Alrighty then, now you know that Halloween is my least favorite of the unnecessary holidays and that I have no friends who enjoy spending time with me.  Huh, my life depresses me.




 My Halloween evolution....

1 comment:

  1. Haha Camille that is actually so sad...I'm sorry. (:
