Sunday, November 15, 2015

Team Spirit

Being on a team has taught me many things.  Before I joined cross country I had never really been a part of a team atmosphere.  Yes, when I did dance there were other people in the class, but that's different.  We only met a couple times a week and didn't compete or have the same bond.  I don't know, it's difficult to explain.  Joining a team made me nervous though.  I had a desire to be accepted, make friends, and belong, but what if those things didn't happen?

In the summertime it was different.  Although we did train as a team, it didn't really feel like we were all a team yet.  The older girls would run together and the freshman would run together.  That's just how it was.  It took awhile for me to connect with the other girls.  I had become friends with some of the older girls, but not the majority of them.  When we went away to camp I became closer with a few of them, but I still felt kinda isolated.

Eventually, I was able to keep up with them on easy days and I became friends with them.  I learned so much from being a part of the team, things that I could not have learned any other way.  At the end of the day, we were a family.  Each on of us was there to support the other people, regardless of who they were or what they needed.

One way that we were all solidified together as a team was through our buddies.  Each underclassman was assigned an upperclassman buddy on the team.  This helped to bridge the gaps between the different ages and grades.  My buddy was Haley, a junior who was also on the Varsity team.  Haley and I quickly became friends.  She always knew what to say to me when I was feeling down or didn't have the best race or workout.  I could comfort her when things weren't going well, too.  She was my person on the team that I knew would always be there for me.
Julia, me, and Lauren.  Aren't we a happy bunch?  Photo Courtesy of: Savannah N.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

XC Takes Halloween

At the top of Main Street after our running escapade.  Photo Courtesy of: Maddy Lee
I very much dislike Halloween.  I will not say that I hate it because I do enjoy some aspects of the holiday.  Like candy and candles...that stuff is good.  However, I actually do abhor dressing up.  I just don't understand the point of it.  Why would I want to spend money on a costume, and make myself look appealing when I am just going to cover it all up with a big winter jacket because it is freaking cold in October?  Hhhmmmm good point, Camille.  It does seem like a waste of time now.  Thank you, I realize I make a wonderful case regarding this holiday.

In fact, ever since I was a mere sliv of a girl I dreaded the last day of October.  I would cry the night before our school Halloween parties because I didn't have a costume and didn't know what I wanted to be.

Monday, November 2, 2015

That's Right, I'm Buff

It's over.  I don't mean life, I am not that dramatic of a person.  I mean the cross country season.  The State championship race was several weeks ago in October and we all took a week off after that race.  All of the team had become so close over the last three months, it'll be weird not seeing everybody every day.  Luckily for me, there are post-season meets!  Woo, let winter training begin...
When the Varsity girls were literally squad goals.  Photo Courtesy of: Me :)
Anyway, I made so many wonderful memories with the cross country team this season that I get all happy inside just thinking about them.  Sometimes I will be with the team and I'll think of something that someone did and I just start smiling.  Don't worry, not in a creepy way.