Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Woo Region

Well, I had my last race today.  The season went by extremely fast and I have made a lot of new friends, found something I am passionate about, and I have had a lot of fun.
Me and Haley before our last race. Photo Courtesy of: Claire Breiholz
Today we were back at Cottonwood.  This course I have mentioned multiple times if you've been paying attention.  I took the previous race off for reasons I have also previously mentioned, so this was my first race since Bob Firman.  The last race that the team went to was our very own Park City Invite.  All the girls rocked it at this race.  The people I run with in workouts and at practice ran two minutes faster than the previous race and some girls cut off even more time.  It was awesome...but I was scared because I did not know if I could run that fast and I didn't want to be behind that many people.

Anyway, I had been training hard and doing my best, but I was just tired.  All the running I have been doing, almost everyday, since June had started to catch up with me the last two weeks.  That along with stress I've been under lately just wiped me out.  Brianna, my teammate, was feeling the same way and it was awful.

Once we arrived at the race and did a couple of other things, the whole girls team cheered, we poured water on ourselves, and lined up at the start.  My goal was to get in the twenty-twos (where the girls were at Park City).  After the start, I secured a good pace and place in the race.  As I previously mentioned in another post, this was my favorite course, so I was pretty pumped.  It was weird though because I didn't feel like I was going as fast as I was, I ran 7:10 for my first mile.  After I heard that I was even more excited because I knew that I could make my goal.
The JV girls as the race is starting. Photo Courtesy of: Claire Breiholz
My teammates and coaches were cheering for me the whole race, it was a good temperature, and I felt great.  However, my shoelace came untied before the first mile was complete, luckily I didn't trip!  Even that didn't distract me, I was determined to stay with Brianna and have a great race.

I came down the last hill and my teammates were cheering for me.  Daisy, Haley, and Matt were cheering me on as I reached the finish line.  Another girl was told that her time was still in the twenty-ones as we neared the finish, so I became very hopeful.  After I came out of the finish, Claire told me that I ran 21:40, I was ecstatic!  I beat my goal by so much, I PRed by a minute and a half (I skipped the twenty-threes and twenty-twos), and I placed twelfth in my race.  Also, I earned a varsity letter from that race because I raced under twenty-two minutes, yay!

It was the perfect end to my freshman cross country season and I could not have asked for more.

