Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Boise Bound (Part Two)

As I explained at length in my last blog post, I really wanted to go to Bob Firman.  So, when the week of the race rolled around I was quite excited.  Another plus about going to this race was that I didn't have to drive down to Roosevelt on a school bus to race with the other JV peeps.

Anyway, we drove to the high school and sat around in Steve's room until our Le Bus arrived.    Three of our four coaches came, and our team brought six boys and fourteen girls to race.  As you can imagine, the bus was quite the party.  Just kidding.  We watched movies, played cards, and tried to sleep.  The sleeping part was difficult because of a loud buzzing noise that would not go away.

We stopped for lunch in some town in Idaho.  While driving to the parking lot, a group of us spotted a Noodles and Company.  Yes!  Who does not love pasta?  Once off the bus, the majority of us walked toward the noodles that were awaiting us and we actually started running.  We ran into the restaurant and realized that it was under construction and would not be serving us noodles anytime soon.  Dang it!  Don't get too worried, we did find other food to eat after much ado.

Before going to get dinner, we swung by the race course at Eagle Island State Park.  The purpose of this visit was to pre-run the course so we knew what to expect and the coaches could give us tips.  However, it was ninety-four degrees!  That's HOT.  Needless to say we all struggled.

After changing on the bus, we drove to the Olive Garden.  The cross country team is super classy.  This was actually a lot of fun.  It is a tradition for the team to pretend that it is someone's birthday.  This year we picked Alec, one of the twins on our team.  He doesn't talk a whole lot, so when everyone pulled out their party hats and horns then started to sing, he was very confused and a little bit embarrassed.  It was great!

At our quaint little hotel, we got our room assignments, I roomed with Haley and Daisy, then went swimming.  We neglected to bring swimsuits, so we went in our running garments (that word was for you, Hannah).  These two little girls were very intuitive and told us that we must like the boys that we were with.  Hahaha, we definitely don't.


The next morning, we got dressed, ate breakfast, and shuffled onto the bus.  My race was the last one, so we sat around and cheered on our teammates for a couple hours.  Let me tell you something, this race was huge.  The lines for the portapotties was insane!

After we warmed up, laced up our spikes, and grabbed water, we made the trek to the start.  I was not necessarily nervous because this was a fast-paced race and a new, interesting course.  Of course, our start was delayed so that the previous race could finish.  Our teammates had taken our waters back to the tent, so I could not drink anymore water.  Luckily enough for me, the coach for the team next to us brought his team a few water bottles.  Naturally, I asked the Davis girls if I could have some water.  They gave me a weird look, but kindly shared.  Thanks!

The Bob Firman race course
Photo Courtesy of: RunnerSpace

We were ready.  At the start, you want to get ahead of the majority of the runners because the course is dusty.  I got ahead of a decent amount of the girls, but I was still behind a good number.  Quickly, the dust flew up into my face and into my mouth.  Because I am such a smart-cookie, I decided to chew gum while running (which is usually a good idea), but it got quite dusty tasting.  At one point I actual dragged my hand across my tongue to get some dirt out of my mouth.  Ew.

The race went great.  I did not stumble on the beach, I flew up the hill, and I PRed by thirty seconds (which means that I got a personal record).  I ran the race in 24:06, not as fast as I wanted to, but it was still fantastic!

We quickly got back on the bus, and with our souvenir shirts, bibs, and flags, we headed back to Park City.  Napping once again proved impossible with the noise of the bus, people, and movies.  I did not mind that much though, it was fun to talk to different people and just hang out.

The team at dinner on the way back
Photo Courtesy of: Me

Bob Firman was worth the hard work.  I ran my best race of the season and made many fun memories.  For example, the Saturday we got back was Homecoming, so some of the girls got ready on the bus.  They put on makeup, heels, dresses, took pictures, the whole shebang.   It was an incredibly fun way to spend my weekend.



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