Saturday, April 23, 2016


Unlike some people, I have zero problem admitting that I watch TV often and I absolutely love it.  In fact, I look forward to watching TV at night after I do all my homework.  These wonderful shows give me another world to escape to and something else to think about beside my life.  I don't care if the people are fictional and stuff like that "doesn't really happen it real life," I become attached to the characters and their story.  Sometimes I cry for them because I can relate to how much pain they're in or what happened to them that day, other times I catch myself smiling when something good happens.  And some TV shows are inspirational, too. What's not to love?

I respect that (is what I imagine Chris is thinking)
Original Footage Courtesy of: ABC (picture thanks to me)

There is this one show I watch though that none of the above really apply to (beside the fact I stop thinking about my life while watching it).  This show is called The Bachelor.  Honestly, I do not care if you like this show, or as my one friend tried to tell me as she shook her head, "That show demeans women."  They wanted to go on the show and no one is making them act a certain way, so how is it demeaning?

We don't just watch The Bachelor, we have a Bachelor Viewing Party.  It's an intense experience where we all react strongly and...this is the best part - we pause the TV and take pictures of the horrendous faces/expressions people make.

This may sound mean (or demeaning) to you guys, but no judgement!  Everyone does things to make them laugh, this is just what we do.

Now I have compiled a list of the funny things we say while watching this show.  And for the sake of our reputations, everything is going to remain anonymous.
Here we go...

1. She was lying on the floor, "I'm so sick of traffic and my fellow human beings, I'm just not gonna leave my house anymore."

2. When talking about what food to bring next time (I suggested making kung pao chicken), "Go to Panda and put it in your own bowl.  We'll get the special, it's only $7.95!"

"Yeah, we can go to Szechwan and get a bunch of stuff."

"I mean they pay their workers 13 (dollar per hour), it's okay."

"When I get chicken I get the white meat because the brown is kinda chewy." *makes gross face*

"The thing is, kung pao is made with thigh meat and I don't like thigh meat."

"Yeah neither do I, I have big things and I don't need more."  Oh old women...
It's like we are at the wide!
Original Footage Courtesy of: ABC (picture thanks to me)
3. "Do you guys want the log (referring to a cheese log eaten every time) now?  Oh sorry about my hands, they're relatively clean (as she crumbles nuts on top of said cheese)."

4. "That guy was always a pain in the rump."

5.  As she speaks into her phone to text, "I'm sick of typing!"

6. "Suck my roses."  FYI, the Bachelor gives each girl a rose if they get to stay another week.

7. "Look at her bitchy face."

8. Talking about nail polish, "That's young and hip!"

"Well, I'm not young, but I do have hips."

9. "Oh gosh, her face hurts me."
What the cluck is going on here??
Original Footage Courtesy of: ABC (picture thanks to me)
10.  "RFTH, RFTH!  Run for the hills..."  She created her own acronym as a girl was going crazy.

11. "She's tacky, she got her dress at Rue 21 (not even Forever 21)."

12. A women brought a chicken to one episode. "What the cluck is going on?  Shut the cluck up.  She's clucking crazy!!!  Where the cluck is my rose?"

13. "Her sparkle has fizzled."  Same, girl, same.

14. "She mad."

"She sad."

The twins are indeed out to play....               Original Footage Courtesy of: ABC (picture thanks to me)
 15.  Referring to a girl that branded herself a virgin and the previously mentioned chicken, "Virgin! Chicken!"

16. "Oh shut up, you whiney, pain in the ass."

17. Talking about a particularly revealing, unflattering dress that a contestant on the show, who was a twin, was wearing, "The twin brought her twins out.  But they're in the playpen.  Peeking out between the bars."

18. Something we said when curious about a girl's tattoo or a factoid about one of the people (or really if we wanted to know anything in general), " that shit."

It was a fun few weeks and now I am lonely on Monday nights without our weekly Bachelor fun.



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