Wednesday, December 16, 2015

My Brief Stunt as a Sniper (After the Race)

Now let me tell you all something- while I enjoy going to these big races (as described in my last post), the majority of the fun is held after or before the race.

After we got back from the NIKE race, the party really got going (JK it was a school trip so there was NO partying...).  A group of us ended up in this luxurious pool for an hour or so.  It's a high possibility that we ruined someone's wedding day because we were loud and they were getting married outside.  I tried to keep the peeps from gettin' rowdy, but what can ya do?  As they preceded past the pool, probs on the way to the reception, we got some weird looks from the actual partygoers.  This was most likely because us girls lacked proper swimming attire so we were in our racing outfits and because, well, we were rambunctious.  Oh yeah, did I mention that instead of going out the door of our suite, we climbed through the window?  So it really was like a party.  Going through doors is just so not cool anymore.

The swimming was like the cocktail party though.  The real fun had not even started.  Now, you may be doubting that  I was ever actually a sniper, but I most certainly was one (maybe a very terrible one, but still).  We left more than thirty minutes late because guys take forever to get ready.  I mean, come on, throw on some pants and lets go.

To Golfland Sunsplash we go.
Golfland itself.  It is truly a majestic fortress.  Photo Courtesy of: Golfland

We spent the next several hours at this place.  These hours consisted of many rounds of go-carting and laser tag.   Apparently some of my coaches bet on me that I would "win" go-carting.  Every time I would pass them, they would yell, "Go, Cam!!!"  Needless to say, I was not the bomb.  Sorry to disappoint.  I tried, but my car was slow and it just didn't happen for me.

On to laser tag.  I have only played laser tag once before and it was not the best experience.  I thought I was gonna slay at it this time however.  Claire, Madi, Alec, and I were on a team.  We were going to dominate.

The guy read us the rules and we were pumped.  It was a good time and all but I do not have a career as a spy or an actual sniper.  My dreams are slightly crushed.  While running in the place, trying to be discrete and hiding from the other people, these blasts of air would shoot down from the ceiling.  What the heck??  Every time this happened, I would drop on the ground and shriek.  Oh my God, for reals?  The surprise was just too much for me.  I don't even now what it was, maybe instinct?, but I would actually curl up in a ball for a second before I recovered.  If a giant bird comes from the sky to get me, I will not escape.
It just occurred to me that I should have tried to aim like these guys.
Photo Courtesy of: Golfland

I actually thought that I did pretty good -*chuckles to self*- but I didn't.  At all.  In fact, according to my scorecard I got zero, that's 0, points.   Some people got four thousand points.  So my team lost.  Not entirely because of me, Alec only got five points.  We had less points all together than one of the girls on the other team... ehh.

The second time around I did much better!  Go me!  I got over one thousand points but still fell on the ground every time that darn air blasted down on me.  Whatever.

After this, it was close to 10:30, we went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory.  I walked in and told the hostess that we had sixteen people.  Then my coach told her to put it under the name "Wolf" and to howl when the table was ready.  Remind me why I am on this team?

It was fun and we had good conversations, but oh my it was late.  I got up to go to the bathroom before we left and I almost fell over on my way there.  I actually couldn't walk.  We ordered tiramisu to go but because I most certainly was not in the party room, I didn't get any because my roommates wanted to go to sleep and Claire was in the other suite.

Now you now where we are in this story...after sleeping soundly in the hotel bed for a mere six hours (we left the restaurant at 11:45), our coaches banged on the door to wake us up early.

Oh my.


Awww tender - Me and Asp in da party car. 

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