Thursday, December 31, 2015

Trouble in Paradise

My favorite part of the school year had finally arrived (winter break) and my family was going to Mexico for a perfect!

Well, it would have been more perfect if I didn't have to run while I was away.  During break we were all supposed to run just every other day.  That's not so bad, but still.

As I stepped off the plane and onto the stairs at the airport, it hit me.  The humidity was overwhelming and I immediately started sweating.  I was wearing leggings and a long-sleeve because it was snowing back home.  That morning, before the sun even rose, we were trudging in our snow boots through the foot of snow that had accumulated on our driveway to our friend's car.  It was crazy.  Don't worry, I didn't wear snow boots in Mexico, we changed our shoes in the car.

It was an extremely long travel day for us because we had a layover in Mexico City.  Luckily, we took care of the Customs stuff in Mexico City so we could go straight to our condo once we got off our second flight in the small fishing town of Zihuatanejo.  Once we safely stowed our bags in the trunk of the taxi, we were off.  As we turned a corner, about a mile from our condo, there was a loud thunk.  I assumed we just hit a pothole or something so I didn't mention it.  Claire looked out the back window and noticed the trunk was open.  Uh oh.  She alerted the cap driver but he didn't pull over for a while.  The roads are narrow and there are a lot of cars so it wasn't exactly safe to do so immediately.
A map of Zihjuatanejo.  We were on La Madera Beach. 
Photo Courtesy of: Zihjuatanejo Condos

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

My Brief Stunt as a Sniper (After the Race)

Now let me tell you all something- while I enjoy going to these big races (as described in my last post), the majority of the fun is held after or before the race.

After we got back from the NIKE race, the party really got going (JK it was a school trip so there was NO partying...).  A group of us ended up in this luxurious pool for an hour or so.  It's a high possibility that we ruined someone's wedding day because we were loud and they were getting married outside.  I tried to keep the peeps from gettin' rowdy, but what can ya do?  As they preceded past the pool, probs on the way to the reception, we got some weird looks from the actual partygoers.  This was most likely because us girls lacked proper swimming attire so we were in our racing outfits and because, well, we were rambunctious.  Oh yeah, did I mention that instead of going out the door of our suite, we climbed through the window?  So it really was like a party.  Going through doors is just so not cool anymore.

The swimming was like the cocktail party though.  The real fun had not even started.  Now, you may be doubting that  I was ever actually a sniper, but I most certainly was one (maybe a very terrible one, but still).  We left more than thirty minutes late because guys take forever to get ready.  I mean, come on, throw on some pants and lets go.

To Golfland Sunsplash we go.
Golfland itself.  It is truly a majestic fortress.  Photo Courtesy of: Golfland

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Seriously? (The Race)

Knock knock knock!

Guys do not plan well.  The attention to detail is somewhat lacking in their personalities.  So this was how my weekend in Arizona ended, with three of my coaches banging on my door at 6:49 in the morning.  Yes, I remember the exact time.  Things like that stick in my mind when I am oh-so rudely awakened from my peaceful sleep.

Anyway.  Onto the interesting parts of my short-lived vacation...

As I have mentioned previously, I was going to attend the Nike Regional Championship cross country race in Arizona.  This trip came the week before Thanksgiving break and I was stoked because I did not have to go to school on Friday and it was gonna be warm!

Unluckily enough, we had to meet at the park-and-ride at 5:50 in the morning.  For reals?  If I'm not going to school can I at least sleep in?  Ha-ha-ha, funny one Camille.

So our journey started.  As I mentioned before, men don't think about details, so the idea that the airport might be busy did not cross their minds.  This left us running to the other security line so that we would make our flight.

Once we arrived in sunny Arizona, it began.  Being runners, we went to a delicious buffet for lunch then off to the movie theater to see The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part Two.  It was horrible (well, not as exciting as it could be).  After we ran the course to get a feel for it, we waited in line to buy swag.  This took at least forty-five minutes.  It got dark and dropped TWENTY (not really) degrees while we were waiting in line.  That is how long it took!  The thousands of people coming to this race all wanted shirts.  Every single one of them and it seemed like they were all in front of us.  It is quite difficult for me to understand what takes so long to buy a single shirt.  Pick it out, try it on, exchange it, pay for it.  That can all take under a minute, definitely under five, but no.  The freaking people were probably paying with pennies and spelling out their words.  And then some people would have one girl get in line before her WHOLE team hopped right in.  Hell no, get your booty to the back of the line.
Thank you, Mrs. Obama.  Photo Courtesy of: Towns County Tourism