Monday, May 9, 2016

Hasta la Vista

The seasons are changing, the amount of fur on my cat is changing, and what I will soon be spending everyday of my life doing is changing.  Throughout each year, almost every single thing in my life evolves or changes in some way.  I know this to be true because when I look back at where I was in May of 2015, I am a completely different person now.  I have adopted new habits and hobbies, the clothes I wear have changed slightly, my close friends have changed, and I think I may have become a tad bit meaner and sassier, but I can't really help that.  All of these changes are facilitated in different ways.  For me, I change the most depending on who I interact with on a daily basis.  When I started cross country, I gained a whole new group of friends that had a new perspective and interests.  This of course altered my perceptions of certain things.  Sharing my thoughts and stories on this blog over the past eight months has also helped me to grow as a person.

Before I wrote on this blog, I didn't share a lot of my experiences because my friends would look at me and tell me how much my story sucked, but now I really don't care if I have a good story or not, I just enjoy sharing what I have to say.  Through sharing my thoughts on this blog and by reading other blogs I have learned that what makes something interesting to one person is completely different from what makes something interesting to another person.

Writing on my blog as made me more comfortable sharing my thoughts with others than I was at the beginning of the year.  I am now able to form my thoughts into a cohesive piece of writing that others can (hopefully) enjoy.  I have also become better at telling stories in person because I am aware of what makes certain details pertinent and others not.

Before this year, I did not consider myself to be a good writer, but now I believe that my writing has improved tremendously.  This is partly because of writing on this blog and being able to write in whatever style I desire and about whatever topic I want to.

Flashback to when I had fun running! (I was also much too cool to jump)  Photo Credits: Clarita
When my friends mention my blog it gives me a little boost of confidence because I feel like someone enjoys reading what I have to say.  Feeling like I matter is always a positive and in some ways, this blog has helped me to become more secure.  Although, looking back at old posts makes me cringe a little because, honestly, I do not know what I was thinking, I was still able to express myself in ways that I previously hadn't been able to.

School is coming to an end in the next three weeks, that means that I am no longer required to write blog posts every so often.  While I enjoy writing on here to share with the few people that read my blog, I don't know if I am going to continue to post.  If I'm being honest, I want to move as far away from ninth grade as possible (first year of high school was no bueno), but who knows, maybe there will be something posted on here every now and then, so stay tuned! hahaha, just kidding, I know none of you will ever type in my URL again, even if I do continue to post.

Ciao forevs
