Saturday, January 30, 2016

T-Swizzle in the Hizzle

Now for those of you that read my blog, please try not to cringe at what I am about to write, I have my reasons for it.  The first line may make you want to exit this tab in your browser, but please refrain.  You might learn something about me and you never know what you might take away from it.

Dear Taylor Swift,

Yes, I am well aware that you will probably never read this blog post, but who knows, you could.  First off, let's clear up a few things.  I do not blog about pop music or music at all.  Also, I do not own much of your new music, I have never been to one of your concerts, and I do not stalk you on social media.  However, I remember the day that I first listened to your music while being driven home by my friend's grandpa.  I bought your first two albums (back when CDs were still a thing) and jammed out.  My eight-year-old self loved you.  I would turn up the volume on my CD player and jump around my room and on my bed to "Hey, Stephen" because, yes, looks can be deceivin'.  "Our Song" and "You Belong With Me" were my anthems in elementary school and in sixth grade it became "22." (I can still recite every word to these songs...)

In each of your songs, you tell a story and you are able to captivate your audience every time.  While I write every blog post, I try to think about how I can captivate my audience in the same way.  What happens in my life that can be of interest to other people?  What do I have to share with the world?  These are things that you have helped me figure out.

Because of you, I believe that what I do matters and that I can achieve my dreams.  You worked since you were fourteen to become a successful singer.  Despite the challenges that came your way, the criticism you faced, and the scrutiny you endured, you did what you wanted and achieved things that you could only have dreamed of.  To me, this is my inspiration.  Taylor, you have helped me realize that my dreams are not unrealistic.  Believing in myself has been a vital part of who I am.  Thank you.

I also admire you because you are unlike many other famous people.  You have all the money in the world, yet you do not turn to drugs and get wasted at every chance.  The way that you conduct yourself is admirable.  I hope that when I have twenty-six, I will conduct myself with such poise and elegance.  You dress in clothes that are flattering, stylish, and timeless.  You don't go around flaunting everything all the time.  Oh, and you also are a caring, giving person.  You donate generously to charities that you have a connection with.  You visit your fans in the hospital and that have cancer, Taylor.  Why, you even invite some of your fans into your homes to listen to your music.

You wore a sweater that a fan knit for you, of you!  Photo Courtesy of: Kicker Daily

Monday, January 25, 2016

Why'd Ya Do That?

Do you ever not remember making a promise to only have someone bring it up months later?  Well, I do.  This happened to me at the beginning of January.  Apparently, I promised my mother and Will that I would babysit his friend's children for many hours while they all went out.  While I vaguely remember saying that I would do this, I do not remember saying the other things I supposedly did.  For example, I know that I did not say I would babysit the whole weekend.  Why on earth would I say that? Who wants to be with little kids for that many hours?

Yet, there I was, in a condo meeting the four children I would spend the next five hours of my life with.  Will also did not help with this situation.  He kept telling me and my sister how much of a horror one of the kids was.  Thanks.  I appreciate that so much.  Needless to say, my sister and I were not psyched, but we wanted money.
About sums up why I babysit.  Photo Courtesy of: Hamptons Babysitters

Friday, January 8, 2016

Flying High in the Sky

After a particularly hectic first night, the rest of our vacation went swimmingly.

The food was incredibly delicious and fresh in Zihuatanejo.  The first night, almost everything was closed and we had no clue where we were.  After walking up and down the streets by our condo we stumbled across a cute, candlelit restaurant.  I had the best Caesar salad ever and it was about three dollars.  The piƱa coladas were delicious, the ice cream was to die for and everything was crazily inexpensive.  It was great.

I was way over-motivated to go running the first few days.  I am way out of shape and practically melted from the humidity and heat so I gave up on that after two runs.  I did enjoy the two I went on though and I did a lot of walking and swimming so same-same (means I basically ran everyday).  The hills were also insane in the area that we were staying in.  They were steep and super-duper long.
One of the hills by our condo. 
Photo Couretsy of: Clarita

The locals in this town were so friendly.  Many of them engaged in conversation with us and would practice their English while we practiced our Spanish.  This one man walked out from the beach as we were turning down this road.  He wasn't wearing any shoes or a shirt and was carrying a fish in his hands as he talked to my sister.  

Each day, my family would walk down the stairs and be on the beach.  We would hang out here all day.  Relaxing in the sun was amazing!  I haven't felt the warm rays of the sun on my skin for months.  We were situated on Zihuatanejo Bay.  This means that there were only little baby waves and the water was extremely warm and clear.